At Steveston Buddhist Temple we welcome new members at any time.

You do not need to be a member to join in any events, we welcome members and non-members alike.

As a member you receive discounts to certain events, first chance to purchase tickets for food fairs and other sales and most importantly you get to have a say in how the Temple is run. We hold annual an Annual General Meeting in February, and monthly meetings every second Monday of the Month. Members are welcome to attend and have their say.

Membership runs from April 1st to March 31st, and the first year of membership is free, and so is membership for those over 90 years of age! Membership fees for this year are $125,  Please note that $80 of your membership fee is paid to our National Association “JSBTC” and $5 to our Provincial Association “BCJSBTF”. Printing and mailing of newsletters costs another $30 per month, so we appreciate all members who receive their newsletter via e-mail or read it on this site.

Membership Form can be downloaded to print or opened in Acrobat to complete on your computer

Or become a “Friend of the Temple” by signing up on th email list and maybe join at a later date. Mail List Signup