Message from the President

After three consecutive years as your temple president, I will be stepping down at the end of this year. Consistent with the requirements of the bylaws and constitution of the temple, I must step down after three consecutive years. To provide continuity, I will remain on the board as Past President.


The principle of limiting the number of consecutive years the president can serve is to allow others to serve as the highest official of the Temple Board and to permit diversity and change. I feel the principle is important for the longevity of the temple. As I look back over the 14 years I have served on the Temple Board, I have witnessed excellent individuals retiring and new individuals joining to fill in to improve the board and its decision making for the temple.

Over the next several months, an Elections Committee will be formed to search for temple members to be part of the Board of Directors. The health and well being of the temple depends on the addition of able members to serve on the board. The temple belongs to you as members and it is up to the membership to maintain the temple. If you are interested in serving on the Temple Board, please contact myself at (604) 274-4799 or Rev. Grant at (604) 277-2323 for further information.

In Gassho, Bud Sakamoto