Religious Observances

SHUSHO-E (New Years Day) – to re-discover the path of enlightenment and make a new resolution.

GOSHOKI HOONKO (Shinran Shonin Memorial Day) – to remember and thank Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, who passed on January 16, 1262 A.D.

NIRVANA DAY – in memory of Shakyamuni Buddha’s passing in Kushinagara in India on February 15, 486 B.C.

SPRING AND FALL OHIGAN (Equinox) – to be observed in late March and September to commemorate the goal of enlightenment.

HANAMATSURI (Buddha Day) – to celebrate the birth of Siddhartha on April 8, 565 B.C. in Lumbini garden in the present day city of Nepal.

GOTAN-E (or Fuji – Matsuri) – to celebrate the birth of Shinran Shonin on May 21, 1173.

OBON (Ullambana) – to remember our ancestors and departed ones. This memorial service is held in July or August; services are held at cemeteries and temples and followed by the Obon dance.

EITAIKYO (Perpetual Memorial) – to be observed in September to remember the deceased and their families.

HOONKO (Thanksgiving) – in memory of Shinran Shonin this major annual service is observed in early December.

BODHI DAY – to commemorate Shakyamuni’s attainment of Buddhahood under the Bodhi tree.

JOYA-E (New Year’s Eve) – to recall the past year and strike the gong 108 times.