The Gym is going Down!


As the Gym is coming down at the end of February, we will have some special events where we could use your help

Saturday Feb 1st – Garage Sale – 10am to 2pm
We will have a special Garage Sale to minimize what we have in storage. Please help us by stopping by and picking up a treasure or two.
Please do NOT bring us new things to sell, as we have no place to store left over items.

Saturday Feb 15th & 22nd – Gym clean out – All Day
 We will have to move items into new storage locations and into one or more containers for outside storage. Lots of help needed!

Saturday Feb 29th – Disposal Day
Times to be posted – will advertise on Craigslist as well
 Final items will be moved out, and we will have give-aways of tables and any other items that are not going in storage and that were not sold at Garage sales