FOR ONLINE SERVICES, please send a request to Sensei, so he can invite you.

See the Dharma Talk Youtube Playlist For all recorded services.

MOST Sundays: (please check Calendar for special dates)
10:30 am – English Dharma Service
11:30 am – Japanese Dharma Service

First Sunday of the Month & Special Services
10:30 Bilingual Joint Service

Thursday & Friday: Meditation

Thursday 7:30pm (Walking and Sitting Meditation)

Friday 10:00am (Chanting and Meditation)

毎日曜日: カレンダーをご確認ください)

英語日曜礼拝                         毎週日曜日10時半より

日本語日曜礼拝                        毎週日曜日11時半より

第一日曜日と特別法要              日英合同礼拝10時半より


The Steveston Buddhist Temple will be hosting our inaugural Nippon Fair on Saturday, March 29th

from 11 am to 4pm indoor, 11am to 5:30pm outdoor.

The objective of holding the Nippon Fair at the Steveston Buddhist Temple is to share the Japanese Canadian history of Steveston.

We welcome Japanese Canadian Artists & Artisans and Japanese Food Truck Venders to join this event.

For inquiries, please contact us at

We plan to have “Nippon Fair” every year in the future and we hope that many people will join us at the event.

Information Here


来たる3月29日(土)、「Nippon Fair」がスティーブストン仏教会にて開催されます。






This Months Dharma Light Newsletter

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Welcome to the Steveston Buddhist Temple

The Steveston Buddhist Temple has been spreading the Dharma to many generations of people since 1928, and has continued to serve its members and the community from that time through to today. Our regular Sunday Family Service is an excellent opportunity for families and friends to listen to the Dharma together, and various esteemed guest ministers are invited to speak at special Buddhist services throughout the year. There is also a Monthly Memorial Services for everyone to show our gratitude and respect to parents and relatives who have passed away.

スティーブストン仏教会へ ようこそ




All donations are listed in the newsletter, and receipts are issued at the end of the year.Please indicate your full name on your donation cheque if you would like to receive a mention and / or receipt.Or you can donate online: Donation is for: Funeral Temple Operations Good and Welfare Special Event Service / Shotsuki Fujinkai


The Temple is always looking for people who would like to help. There is weekly Bingo, and many special events where we are happy to welcome anyone willing to help out! You can register to volunteer through the RCRG Website

New Ideas?

Do you have an idea for new programming or events at the temple? Please feel free to talk to Sensei or any Board members about your idea, we are very open to new suggestions! Send us a message by clicking below:


Subscribe to our mailing list and we will keep you informed of events. Email Address First Name Last Name

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